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How Does the INZECTO Mosquito Trap Kill Mosquitos?The traps patented design provides the ideal breeding ground for container breeding mosquitos to lay their eggs. Studies have documented mosquitos prefer to lay eggs in the Inz-eco trap vs. other alternative breeding grounds minimizing the number of eggs mosquitos will lay in alterative water containers. The internal surface of the trap is covered with a patented slow release low dose pesticide mix. 90% + Adult female mosquitos die on contact when they land on the interal surface. Some Mosquitos can lay eggs before dying inside the trap, in that case 100% of larvae are killed by the pesticidereleased in the water. The trap prevents the spread of pesticide resitant mosquitos by targetting Adults and Larvae.
What Types of Mosquitos Does the Trap Kill?The trap is designed for container breeding mosquitos such the members of the aedes family such as aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus. These are the most common moquitos found in urban areas and are daytime biters. Such species are not only annoying pests but also can carry dangerous diseases transmitted to humans and pets such as dengue, zika, west nile, chikungunya, equine encephalitis, yellow fever, canine filariasis and many others.
Does the INZECTO Trap Kill Mosquitos Resistant to Insecticides?Over time mosquitos have become resistant to certain pesticides. The trap uses a dual approach to target adults and larvae with a mix of different pesticides and is highly effective in environments where mosquitos have developed pesticide resistance.
Have the Traps Been Scientifically Proven to Kill Mosquitos?Yes. The traps have been developed and researched at the University of Florida and funded by the Pentagon’s Deployed War Fighter Protection Research Progrom. INZECTO Mosquito Traps have passed the most stringent efficacy tests required by the EPA and other International agencies.
How Quickly do INZECTO Traps Reduce the Mosquito Population?Once properly installed, Traps will begin working immediately and continuously for 3 Months. Mosquito population visibly reduced within one week from deployment and continued population control for 3 months.
Do the Traps Prevent the Spread of Vector-Borne Diseases?Yes. Field test studies have proven the capacity to reduce / eliminate the spread of dangerous diseases transmitted to humans and pets such as dengue, zika, west nile, chikungunya, equine encephalitis, yellow fever, canine filariasis and many others.
What is the maximum coverage area for Two (2) Traps?3,000 Sq Ft – on average allow for
How Long do the INZECTO Mosquito Traps Last?Three (3) Months from the moment of installation / water added. You should replace your traps at the end of 3 months and dispose them.
How does this compare to traditional Pest Contral Systems / ie spraying• The traps DO NOT release pesticides in the environment • The trap kills ONLY mosquitos • The effectiveness of the trap lasts significantly longer than any other pest control treatment • The traps are more suited for a long term preventative approach by eliminating both adult mosquitos and larvae, ie: spraying pesticides to target only adults can have short term results, while the environment may preserve millions of unaffected eggs ready to hatch at the first rain.
Can I use the Traps around my family & pets?Yes
Are the INZECTO Traps / Water Inside the Traps Pet Friendly?Yes
Does the Trap Kill Bills?The INZECTO trap is designed to be appealing to ONLY Mosquitos for the purpose of laying eggs. Other insects could enter the trap as a water source although they will not be particularly attracted to the trap
Do I need these Traps if I already have a Pest Control Service?The traps are highly effective and environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional pest control methods proven to be safe for humans and other animals. They can work in conjunction with existing pest control systems and/or replace them if you a prefer a more environmentally friendly solution
Are Mosquitos Capable of Exiting the Trap?90% + Adult female mosquitos die on contact when they land on the interal surface of the INZECTO Trap. Some adult mosquitos can fly out of the trap and will die shortly after exiting.
Will Mosquitos Die after Leaving the Trap?Yes - Some adult mosquitos can fly out of the trap after contact with the internal surface but will die shortly after exiting.
Can Mosquitos Breed Inside the Trap?No. Live mosquitos cannot grow or breed inside the trap.
Should I Remove the Dead Mosquitos from the Trap?No – it is not necessary to remove dead mosquitos from the INZECTO trap.
Can the Traps be Used Indoors?The traps are designed for Outdoor usage. While there is no harm to place the trap indoors, its usefullness will be limited.
Can I use the Trap on a Condo Balcony?Yes, the trap can be used in any open outdoor area suited for mosquito populations.
Can I Place the Traps on Bodies of Waters such as Ponds and Pools?No, traps are not to be placed on bodies of water.
Are the Traps Safe for Organic Farming?Yes, the traps do not release pesticides into the environment.
If there is a Dramatic Temperature Drop, will the Traps Remain Effective?"Yes, the low temperature would not effect the pesticides inside the trap.
What if the Trap Tips Over?Just refill with water and return to upright position. Trap will continue eliminating mosquitos.

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